1. Import and read mtg file

note: Requirement for this tutorial: you must have to create an MTG file and upload .mtg file in share/data (cf. tutorial XXX)

1.1. Modules requierement

1.1.1. Import openalea module

from openalea.mtg.algo import split
from openalea.mtg import algo
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

1.1.2. Import oawidget module

from oawidgets.mtg import plot

1.1.3. Import strawberry modules

import openalea.strawberry #import openalea.strawberry module
from openalea.strawberry.import_mtgfile import import_mtgfile
from openalea.strawberry.import_mtgfile import plant_number_by_varieties

1.2. Import mtg and read

NOTE: In our package each mtg file correspond to some plant of one variety

  • Import and read one mtg file (MTG file corresponding to one varity)

g = import_mtgfile(filename= ["Breadding_value"])

MTG : nb_vertices=158, nb_scales=4
  • import several mtg file for meta-analysis (Some varieties)

metaMTG= import_mtgfile(filename=["Capriss", "Ciflorette", "Clery", "Cir107", "Darselect", "Gariguette"])
MTG : nb_vertices=37860, nb_scales=4

1.3. Somes functions to check if mtg are correctly read

1.3.1. Display mtg

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# display in the console the MTG stored in g (here one genotype)
# g.display()

Each plant in the MTG can be displayed as a graph

straws = split(g)
stade= straws[0].property("Stade")
# plot(straws[0])

1.3.2. Check properties contains in mtg

In mtg properties correspond to all parameters which define mtg (Measurements, label, edge_type…)

dict_keys(['edge_type', 'label', 'Experiment_name', 'Sample_date', 'Genotype', 'Modality', 'Plant_ID', '_line', 'DBI', 'Stade', 'PETLG', 'LFTLG_CENTRAL', 'LFTLG_LEFT', 'INFLOLG', 'FLWRNUMBER', 'FLWRNUMBER_OPEN', 'FLWRNUMBER_ABORTED', 'SAMPLING', 'FLWRNUMBER_CLOSED'])

1.3.3. Check varieties and the number of plant contain in mtg files

Darselect : 54 plants
Cir107 : 54 plants
Ciflorette : 54 plants
Gariguette : 54 plants
Capriss : 54 plants
Clery : 54 plants
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