Source code for openalea.strawberry.analysis

''' Function to analyse strawberry mtg: Data extraction and plot '''

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from ipaddress import summarize_address_range

import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import chain

from pandas.core.groupby.groupby import DataError

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go

from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range

from openalea.mtg.algo import orders
from openalea.mtg import algo, traversal

convert = dict(Stade='Stade',

[docs]def to_dataframe(g, vertices=[], f=None): """Convert an MTG into a full dataframe. :param g: MTG graph :type g: MTG :param vertices: define the vertices you want to export, defaults to [] :type vertices: list, optional :param f: v -> dict : function that returns a set of properties for any vertex, defaults to None :type f: function, optional :return: A dataframe that include all the MTG properties :rtype: DataFrame """ # Recompute the properties for each vertices if not vertices: vertices = g.vertices() if f is None: f = lambda v : g[v] d = dict() for v in vertices: props_v = f(v) for k, value in props_v.items(): d.setdefault(k,{})[v] = value parents = g._parent complexes = {vid: g.complex(vid) for vid in g if g.complex(vid) is not None} scales = g._scale _orders = orders(g) d['parent'] = {v: parents.get(v) for v in vertices} d['complex'] = {v: complexes.get(v) for v in vertices} d['scale'] = {v: scales.get(v) for v in vertices} d['order'] = {v: _orders.get(v) for v in vertices} dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d) return dataframe
[docs]def strawberry_dataframe(g): """Convert a strawberry MTG into a dataframe :param g: the strawberry MTG :type g: MTG :return: A dataframe :rtype: DataFrame """ vertices = [v for v in g.vertices_iter() if v !=0] props = def my_f(v): d = dict() pid = g.complex_at_scale(v, scale=1) pnid = g.node(pid) nid = g.node(v) # Set plant properties to each node d['Genotype'] = pnid.Genotype d['Plante'] = pnid.Plante d['date'] = pnid.Sample_date d['label'] = g.label(v) # At all scale d['Stage'] = nid.Stade d['Foliar_type'] = nid.Foliar_type #d['prelevement'] = nid.prelevement #d['Fleurs_total']= nid.Fleurs_total #d['Fleurs_ouverte'] = nid.Fleurs_ouverte #d['Fleurs_avorte'] = nid.Fleurs_avorte return d return to_dataframe(g, vertices, my_f)
[docs]def write_sequences(seqs, variables, VertexIdentifiers): """Write Sequences into a txt file. Example: VertexIdentifiers = [['-'.join(str(orders[j]) for j in seq[0:i+1]) for i, vid in enumerate(seq)] for seq in seqs] seqs = [ list(apparent_axis(g, vid)) for vid in vids] :param seqs: A MTG in vector format (=sequence) :type seqs: list :param variables: dict of variables to extract as keys & their function as var :type variables: OrderedDict :param VertexIdentifiers: index or order succession :type VertexIdentifiers: list :return: A string with variable information extacted from MTG :rtype: string """ sep = '\t' txts = [] # header header = "INDEX_PARAMETER : TIME # vertex_id" txts.append(header) txts.append('') n = len(variables) header = "%d VARIABLES"%n txts.append(header) txts.append('') for i in range(1, n+1): txts.append('VARIABLE %d: INT # %s'%(i, variables[i-1])) txts.append('') txts.append('') txts.append('#Index'+sep+sep.join(variables)) for i, seq in enumerate(seqs): n = len(seq) for j, value in enumerate(seq): vid = VertexIdentifiers[i][j] record = [str(vid)] + list(map(str,value)) if j < n-1: record.append('\\') else: # end of the sequence record.append('') record.append('#') txt = sep.join(record) txts.append(txt) txts.append('') return '\n'.join(txts)
[docs]def median_individuals(df): """Generate a median individual from a group of genotype, date, modality :param df: A dataframe extracted from the MTG at a specific scale (order, plant, or node) :type df: DataFrame :return: A reduced dataframe with the median individual :rtype: DataFrame """ indices = [] for gd, dataf in df.groupby(["Genotype","date","modality"]): geno, date, mod = gd dg = dataf[['no_total_leaves','no_total_flowers', 'no_stolons', 'no_floral_bud', 'no_inflorescences','no_branch_crown', 'no_extension_crown', 'order_max']] s=((dg-dg.median()).abs()/(dg-dg.median()).abs().mean()).sum(axis=1) indices.append(s.idxmin()) # _min = s.min() # minimum_inds= s[s==_min] return df.iloc[indices]
def occurence_module_order_along_time(data, frequency_type): """Compute occurence of module order along time. :param data: dataframe extracted at module scale :type data: DataFrame :param frequency_type: type of distribution frequency distribution (freq), probability distribution frequency (pdf) or cumulative frequency distribution (cdf) :type frequency_type: string :return: A dataframe with frequency, probability or cumulative frequency distribution for each module order along time :rtype: DataFrame """ if frequency_type == "freq": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], margins = True) if frequency_type == "pdf": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], normalize = "columns") if frequency_type == "cdf": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], normalize = "columns").cumsum() return res
[docs]def pointwisemean_plot(data_mean,data_sd,varieties, variable,title,ylab, expand=0): """Plot a pointwise mean of variables. :param data_mean: panda dataframe containg mean values :type data_mean: DataFrame :param data_sd: panda dataframe containing standars error values :type data_sd: DataFrame :param varieties: names of varieties which are plot :type varieties: list of string :param variable: The variable to plot :type variable: string :param title: plot title :type title: string :param ylab: y axis label :type ylab: string :param expand: allows to change xlim, defaults to 0 :type expand: int, optional """ fig, pointwise_mean = plt.subplots() cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow', len(varieties)) for i, varietie in enumerate(varieties): pointwise_mean.errorbar(x=data_mean.loc[varietie].index, y=data_mean.loc[varietie][variable], yerr=data_sd.loc[varietie][variable], color=cmap(i), marker="p") pointwise_mean.legend(labels=varieties,loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) pointwise_mean.set_title(title) pointwise_mean.set_ylabel(ylab) pointwise_mean.set_xlim(left=-expand, right= max(data_mean.loc[varietie].index)+expand)
[docs]def crowntype_distribution(data, varieties, crown_type, plot=True,expand=0): """Create a dataframe containing relative frequency values by genotype and order for extension and branch crown and a relative frequency distribution plot :param data: panda dataframe issue from extraction of data at module scale :type data: pd.DataFrame :param varieties: names of varieties which are plot :type varieties: list of string :param crown_type: type of branch crown (extension_crown or branch_crown) :type crown_type: str :param plot: is ploted, defaults to True :type plot: bool, optional :param expand: allows to change xlim, defaults to 0 :type expand: int, optional :return: the dataframe :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ df= pd.crosstab(index= [data.Genotype, data.order], columns= data.type_of_crown, normalize="index") df.columns=["Main", "extension_crown", "branch_crown"] if plot: cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow', len(varieties)) print(cmap) for i, variety in enumerate(varieties): df = df[df.index.get_level_values('order')!=0] plt.plot(df.loc[variety][crown_type], marker="p", color = cmap(i)) plt.ylabel("relative frequency") plt.xlabel("order") plt.title("Relative frequency of " + crown_type) plt.legend(labels=varieties,loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.xlim(left=1-expand, right= max(df.loc[variety].index)+expand) plt.ylim(bottom=0.1, top= 1.1) return df
[docs]def property(g, name): """Change the name of the MTG properties without changing the code :param g: The MTG to modify :type g: MTG :param name: The property name :type name: string :return: A MTG with the name of the property changed :rtype: MTG """ return, name))
# Extraction at plant scale
[docs]def extract_at_plant_scale(g, vids=[], convert=convert): """Compute the properties at plant scale of a MTG. :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :param vids: list of vids that are included in the extraction at scale 1, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional :param convert: Dictionary of equivalence of data name from fr to eng , defaults to convert :type convert: dict, optional :return: A dataframe of computed properties at plant scale :rtype: DataFrame """ #TODO: compute this only one. It would be nice if we can compute this in the init of a class Extractor. orders = algo.orders(g, scale=2) plant_variables = _plant_variables(g) # plant_ids is a list of plants we wat to process. if not vids: plant_ids = g.vertices(scale=1) else: plant_ids = [pid for pid in g.vertices(scale=1) if pid in vids] visible_modules(g, vids=plant_ids) compute_leaf_area(g, vids=plant_ids) plant_df = OrderedDict() # for name in ('Genotype', 'date', 'plant'): # plant_df[name] = [plant_variables[name](pid) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['Genotype'] = [genotype(pid, g) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['date'] = [date(pid, g) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['modality'] = [modality(pid, g) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['plant'] = [plant(pid, g) for pid in plant_ids] visibles = property(g, 'visible') for name in (plant_variables): f = plant_variables[name] plant_df[name] = [sum(f(v, g) for v in g.components(pid) if v in visibles) for pid in plant_ids] #plant_df['Total_leaf_area'] = [mean_leaf_area(pid, g) * (sum(nb_visible_leaves(v,g) for v in g.components(pid) if v in visibles) for pid in plant_ids] #plant_df['leaf_area'] = [mean_leaf_area(pid, g) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['no_branch_crown'] = [sum(1 for v in g.components(pid) if (type_of_crown(v, g)==3 and v in visibles)) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['no_extension_crown'] = [sum(1 for v in g.components(pid) if (type_of_crown(v, g)==2 and v in visibles)) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['no_ramifications'] = [sum(1 for v in g.components(pid) if ((type_of_crown(v, g)==2 or type_of_crown(v,g)==3) and v in visibles)) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['order_max'] = [max(orders[v] for v in g.components(pid) if v in visibles) for pid in plant_ids] plant_df['vid'] = plant_ids df = pd.DataFrame(plant_df) return df
def _plant_variables(g): """Generate a dict of variables name and extraction function at plant scale :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :return: A dict of keys=variables name, var=extraction functions :rtype: OrderedDict """ plant_variables = OrderedDict() plant_variables['no_visible_leaves'] = nb_visible_leaves # Nombre de feuille developpé plant_variables['no_foliar_primodium']= nb_foliar_primordia # Nombre de feuille dans le bourgeons #plant_variables['no_missing_leaves'] = missing_leaves #Nombre de feuille manquante plant_variables['no_total_leaves'] = nb_total_leaves #Nombre total de feuille plant_variables['no_open_flowers'] = nb_open_flowers #Nombre de fleurs ouverte plant_variables['no_aborted_flowers'] = nb_aborted_flowers #Nombre de fleurs avorte plant_variables['no_closed_flowers'] = nb_close_flowers #Nombre de fleurs fermé plant_variables['no_total_flowers'] = nb_total_flowers #Nombre total de Fleurs plant_variables['no_fruits'] = no_fruits # number of fruits plant_variables['no_stolons'] = nb_stolons # Nombre de stolons plant_variables['no_vegetative_bud'] = nb_vegetative_buds plant_variables['no_initiated_bud'] = nb_initiated_buds plant_variables['no_floral_bud'] = nb_floral_buds plant_variables['no_inflorescences'] = nb_inflorescence #plant_variables['type_of_crown'] = type_of_crown (1: Main Crown, 2:extension crown, 3: branch crown) #plant_variables['crown_status'] = crown_status return plant_variables # Extraction at the module scale
[docs]def extract_at_module_scale(g, vids=[], convert=convert): """Compute the properties at module scale of a MTG. :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :param vids: list of vids that are included in the extraction at scale 1, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional :param convert: Dictionary of equivalence of data name from fr to eng , defaults to convert :type convert: dict, optional :return: A dataframe of computed properties at module scale :rtype: DataFrame """ if not vids: vids = g.vertices(scale=1) print(vids) orders = algo.orders(g, scale=2) module_variables = _module_variables(g) visible_modules(g, vids=vids) complete_module(g, vids=vids) module_ids = [v for v in'visible') if g.complex_at_scale(v, scale=1) in vids] module_df = OrderedDict() module_df['Genotype'] = [genotype(mid, g) for mid in module_ids] module_df['date'] = [date(mid, g) for mid in module_ids] module_df['modality'] = [modality(mid, g) for mid in module_ids] module_df['plant'] = [plant(mid, g) for mid in module_ids] module_df['order'] = [orders[mid] for mid in module_ids] visibles = property(g, 'visible') for name in (module_variables): f = module_variables[name] module_df[name] = [f(mid, g) for mid in module_ids] #plant_df['nb_ramifications'] = [sum(1 for v in g.components(pid) if (type_of_crown(v, g)==3 and v in visibles)) for pid in plant_ids] module_df['vid'] = module_ids module_df['plant_vid'] = [g.complex(v) for v in module_ids] df = pd.DataFrame(module_df) return df
def _module_variables(g): """Generate a dict of variables name and extraction function at plant module :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :return: A dict of keys=variables name, var=extraction functions :rtype: OrderedDict """ module_variables = OrderedDict() module_variables['no_visible_leaves'] = nb_visible_leaves # Nombre de feuille developpe module_variables['no_foliar_primordia'] = nb_foliar_primordia #Nombre de feuille dans le bourgeons module_variables['no_total_leaves'] = nb_total_leaves #Nombre total de feuille module_variables['no_open_flowers'] = nb_open_flowers #Nombre de fleurs ouverte module_variables['no_aborted_flowers'] = nb_aborted_flowers #Nombre de fleurs avorte module_variables['no_total_flowers'] = nb_total_flowers #Nombre total de Fleurs module_variables['no_fruits']= no_fruits # Number of fruits module_variables['no_stolons']= nb_stolons # number of stolon module_variables['no_vegetative_bud'] = nb_vegetative_buds # number of vegetative bud module_variables['no_initiated_bud']= nb_initiated_buds module_variables['no_floral_bud']= nb_floral_buds module_variables['type_of_crown'] = type_of_crown # Type de crowns (Primary Crown:1, Branch crown:3 extension crown:2) module_variables['crown_status'] = crown_status module_variables['stage']= stage module_variables['complete_module'] = complete #(True: complete, False: incomplete) return module_variables
[docs]def visible_modules(g, vids=[]): """Give "visible" property to module :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :param vids: List of vids whose property will be "visible", defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional """ modules = [v for v in g.vertices_iter(scale=2) if (g.complex(v) in vids) and g.label(next(g.component_roots_iter(v))) == 'F'] _visible = {} for m in modules: _visible[m] = True['visible'] = _visible
[docs]def complete_module(g, vids=[]): """Return properties incomplete or complete module Algorithm: module are complete: if module are visible and terminated by an Inflorescence (HT) (propertie=True) else module are incomplete (all module terminated by ht or bt) (property=False) :param g: the MTG module :type g: MTG :param vids: list of vids, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional """ complete = {} visible ='visible') for vid in visible: if g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) not in vids: continue comp = g.components(vid) c = comp[0] axis = [v for v in g.Axis(c) if v in comp] last = axis[-1] if g.label(last) == 'HT': complete[vid] = True['complete'] = complete
[docs]def nb_visible_leaves(vid, g): """Return the number of visible leaves :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of visible leaves :rtype: int """ return sum(1 for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid)=='F')
[docs]def nb_foliar_primordia(vid, g): """Return the number of foliar primordia (f) :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of foliar primordia :rtype: int """ return sum(1 for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid)=='f')
[docs]def nb_total_leaves(vid, g): """Return the total number of leaves (f+F) :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of total leaves :rtype: int """ return sum(1 for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('f', 'F'))
[docs]def nb_stolons(v, g): """Return the number of stolons :param v: vid for which the function is applied :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of stolon :rtype: int """ def nb_stolon(vid, g=g): return sum(1 for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid)=='s') return sum(nb_stolon(ch) for ch in g.children(v))
[docs]def nb_open_flowers(vid, g): """Return the number of open flowers :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of open flowers :rtype: int """ flowers = property(g, 'Fleurs_ouverte') return sum( flowers.get(cid,0) for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('ht', 'HT'))
[docs]def no_fruits(vid, g): """Return the number of fruits :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of fruits :rtype: int """ fruits = property(g, 'no_fruits') return sum( fruits.get(cid,0) for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('ht','HT'))
[docs]def nb_aborted_flowers(vid, g): """Return the number of aborted flowers :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of aborted flowers :rtype: int """ flowers = property(g, 'Fleurs_aborted') return sum( flowers.get(cid,0) for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('ht', 'HT'))
[docs]def nb_close_flowers(vid, g): """Return the number of aborted flowers :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of aborted flowers :rtype: int """ flowers = property(g, 'FLWRNUMBER_CLOSED') return sum( flowers.get(cid,0) for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('ht', 'HT'))
[docs]def nb_total_flowers(vid, g): """Return the number of total flowers :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of total flowers :rtype: int """ flowers = property(g, 'Fleurs_total') return sum( flowers.get(cid,0) for cid in g.components(vid) if g.label(cid) in ('ht', 'HT'))
[docs]def missing_leaves(vid,g): """Return the number of missing leaves :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of missing leaves :rtype: int """ missing= property(g, 'Missing') return sum(1 for cid in g.components(vid) if missing.get(cid)=="yes")
[docs]def nb_vegetative_buds(vid, g): """Return the number of vegetative buds Algorithm: if label is bt then stage is 17,18,19 or None count number of bt and attach at the parent order :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of vegetative buds :rtype: int """ stages= property(g, 'Stade') def nb_vegetative(v): cid = g.component_roots(v)[0] return sum(1 for cid in g.components(v) if g.label(cid)=='bt' and stages.get(cid) in (None,'17','18','19')) return sum(nb_vegetative(ch) for ch in g.children(vid))
[docs]def nb_initiated_buds(vid, g): """Return the number of initiated buds :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of initiated buds :rtype: int """ stages= property(g, 'Stade') def nb_init(v): return sum(1 for cid in g.components(v) if (g.label(cid)=='bt') and (stages.get(cid)=='A')) return sum(nb_init(ch) for ch in g.children(vid))
[docs]def nb_floral_buds (vid, g): """Return the number of floral buds :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of floral buds :rtype: int """ visibles = property(g, 'visible') def nb_floral(v): return sum(1 for cid in g.components(v) if g.label(cid)=="ht" ) return sum(nb_floral(ch) for ch in g.children(vid) if ch not in visibles)
[docs]def type_of_crown(vid, g): """Returns the type of crown. Definition of type of crown (1, 2, 3): - principal crown (1): label == T - branch_crown (3) parent(component_roots()[0]) : if successor() == F - extension_crown (2): contains(HT, ht, bt) - error (4) :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The type of crown :rtype: int """ if g.label(vid) == 'T': return 1 else: cid = next(g.component_roots_iter(vid)) pid = g.parent(cid) sid = g.Successor(pid) #print(sid) if g.label(sid) in ('F', 'f'): return 3 elif g.label(sid) in ('bt', 'ht', 'HT'): return 2 else: # ERROR !!! # print((g[cid], g[g.complex_at_scale(cid, scale=1)])) return 4
[docs]def crown_status(vid, g): """Returns the type of inflorescence :Algorithms: if label is bt then - if stage is 17, 18, 19 or None, => vegetative (1) - if stage is A => initiated (2) - if stage is other => non defined (pourri, avorte, coupe) (-1) - Terminal vegetative bud (1): label==bt none or 17 or 18 or 19 - Terminal initiated bud (2): label== bt if == A - Terminal Floral bud (3): label==ht - Inflorescence Terminal (4): label== HT - runner (5): label = s :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The crown status :rtype: int """ stages = property(g,'Stade') # select s, ht, HT et bt for cid in g.components(vid): if g.label(cid) in ('s', 'ht', 'HT', 'bt'): label = g.label(cid) if label == 'ht': return 3 elif label == 'HT': return 4 elif label == 'bt': stage = stages.get(cid) if stage == 'A': return 2 elif stage in (None, '17', '18', '19'): return 1 elif label == 's': return 5 return -1
[docs]def nb_inflorescence (Vid, g): """Return the number of inflorescence :param vid: vid for which the function is applied :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The number of inflorescence :rtype: int """ return sum(1 for cid in g.components(Vid) if g.label(cid)=='HT')
#TODO: Remove
[docs]def genotype(vid, g): """Return the genotype of the selected vids in the mtg :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The genotype :rtype: string """ cpx = g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) _genotype = property(g, 'Genotype')[cpx] return _genotype
[docs]def plant(vid, g): """Return the plant id of the selected vid in the mtg :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The plant id :rtype: string """ cpx = g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) return property(g, 'Plante')[cpx]
[docs]def date(vid, g): """Return the date of the selected vid in the mtg :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The date :rtype: string """ cpx = g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) _date = property(g, 'date')[cpx] return(_date)
[docs]def modality(vid, g): """Return the modality of the selected vid in the mtg :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The modality :rtype: string """ cpx = g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) _modality = property(g, 'Modality')[cpx] return(_modality)
[docs]def compute_leaf_area(g, vids=[]): """Compute the leaf area of the selected MTG :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :param vids: list of vids at scale 3, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional :return: A dict of leaf area (key is vid) :rtype: dict """ _central="LFTLG_CENTRAL") _left="LFTLG_LEFT") _mean_leaf_area="LFAR") for v in _central: pid = g.complex_at_scale(v, scale=1) if pid not in vids: continue central = _central.get(v) left = _left.get(v) if (central is None) or (left is None): print(("DATA is missing on vertex %d for line %d"%(v, g.node(v)._line))) continue _mean_leaf_area[pid]= round(1.89 + (2.145 * (central/10) * (left/10)),2) return _mean_leaf_area
[docs]def mean_leaf_area(vid,g): """Compute the mean leaf area :param vid: selected vids :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: the mean leaf area of the selected vid :rtype: float """ pid = g.complex_at_scale(vid, scale=1) area ="LFAR").get(pid, 0.) return area
def complete(vid, g): """Returns the 'complete' state of the vid :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: 'complete' state :rtype: boolean """ return"complete").get(vid, False)
[docs]def stage(vid, g): _stage ='Stade') return next((_stage[cid] for cid in g.components(vid) if cid in _stage), None)
# Data transformation
[docs]def occurence_module_order_along_time(data, frequency_type): """Compute the occurence module order along time :param data: data extracted at module scale :type data: pd.DataFrame :param frequency_type: type of distribution frequency distribution (freq), probability distribution frequency (pbf) or cumulative frequency distribution (cdf) :type frequency_type: str :return: A dataframe with frequency, probability or cumulative frequency distribution for each module order along time :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if frequency_type == "freq": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], margins = True) if frequency_type == "pdf": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], normalize = "columns") if frequency_type == "cdf": res = pd.crosstab(index= data["order"], columns= data["date"], normalize = "columns").cumsum() return res
# Extraction on node scale
[docs]def extract_at_node_scale(g, vids=[], convert=convert): """Compute the properties at node scale of a MTG. :param g: The MTG :type g: MTG :param vids: list of vids that are included in the extraction at scale 1, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional :param convert: Dictionary of equivalence of data name from fr to eng , defaults to convert :type convert: dict, optional :return: A dataframe of computed properties at node scale :rtype: DataFrame """ if not vids: vids = g.vertices(scale=1) node_df = OrderedDict() visible_modules(g, vids=vids) complete_module(g, vids=vids) orders = algo.orders(g,scale=2) # Define all the rows props = ['node_id', 'rank', 'branching_type', 'complete','no_modules_branching','no_branch_crown_branching','no_extension_crown_branching','branching_length', 'Genotype', 'order', 'date','plant'] for prop in props: node_df[prop] = [] roots = [rid for pid in vids for rid in g.component_roots_at_scale(pid, scale=2)] trunks = [ list(chain(*[(v for v in algo.axis(g,m, scale=3) if g.label(v) in ('F', 'f')) for m in apparent_axis(g, r)])) for r in roots] for trunk in trunks: # Define your schema for i, vid in enumerate(trunk): node_df['node_id'].append(vid) #scale=3 node id node_df['rank'].append(i+1) #scale=3 # rank of the node node_df['branching_type'].append(my_bt(vid,g)) #scale=2, 1: stolon, 2:vegetative bud, 3: initiated bud, 4: aborted/dried bud, 5: floral bud, 6: branch crown, 7: Inflorescence node_df['complete'].append(my_complete(vid, g)) #scale=2 complete module if Inflorescence else incomplete module other if module is stolons node_df['no_modules_branching'].append(nb_total_module_tree(vid,g))#scale=2 no. total module in the tree attach on the node node_df['no_branch_crown_branching'].append(nb_branching_tree(vid,g))#scale=2 no. branching in the tree attach on the node node_df['no_extension_crown_branching'].append(nb_extension_tree(vid,g))#scale=2 no. extension in the tree attach on the node node_df['branching_length'].append(nb_visible_leaves_tree(vid,g)) # length of the no.node along branching counting base of no. leaves node_df['Genotype'].append(genotype(vid, g)) #scale=1 # Genotype node_df['order'].append(orders[g.complex(vid)]) #scale=2 Order of the node node_df['plant'].append(plant(vid, g)) #scale=1 plant id node_df['date'].append(date(vid, g)) #scale=1 date #node_df['stage'].append(stage(vid, g)) # scale=3 stage df = pd.DataFrame(node_df) return df
[docs]def my_bt(vid, g): """Return branching type on parent if branch crown correspond to Son vertex :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: the branching type on parent :rtype: string """ for cid in g.Sons(vid, EdgeType='+'): return str(branching_type(cid,g))
[docs]def complete(vid, g): """Add property complete or not on mtg :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The 'complete' state of the vid :rtype: boolean """ return"complete").get(vid, False)
[docs]def my_complete(vid, g): """Return complete module, incomplete module or other (if not branch crown) :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: 'Complete' state :rtype: string """ # scale = 2 _complete ='complete') if not complete: complete_module(g) _complete ='complete') # print(_complete) res = 'other' for cid in g.Sons(vid, EdgeType='+'): cpx = g.complex(cid) bt = branching_type(cid,g) if bt == 6: res = 'complete' if complete(cpx,g) else 'incomplete' break return res
[docs]def apparent_axis(g, vid): """Return apparent axis if module are visible :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :yield: generator of axis :rtype: int """ visibles ='visible') v = vid while v is not None: yield v vtx = v; v = None for vid in g.children(vtx): if (vid in visibles) and (not is_axis_root(g, vid)): v = vid
[docs]def is_axis_root(g, vid): """Checks if axis is root :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :return: Is the axis a root :rtype: boolean """ cid = next(g.component_roots_iter(vid)) pid = g.parent(cid) sid = g.Successor(pid) if g.label(sid) not in ('bt', 'ht', 'HT'): return True else: return False
[docs]def branching_type(vid, g): """Returns the type of branching :Algorithms: if module is visible: - branch crown (complex ramification):6 - inflorescence : 7 if module is invisible: - stolon (s): 1, - vegetative bud(bt, at stage None, 17,18,19):2, - initiated bud, (bt, at stage A):3, - aborted or roten or dried bud: 4 - floral bud(ht):5 :param vid: vid selected :type vid: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: The branching type :rtype: int """ cpx = g.complex(vid) nid = g.node(cpx) if nid.visible: if g.label(vid) == 'HT': return 7 else: return 6 # select s, ht, et bt for cid in nid.components(): label = cid.label if label in ('s', 'ht', 'bt'): if label == 's': return 1 elif label == 'bt': stage = cid.Stade if stage in (None, '17', '18', '19'): return 2 elif stage == 'A': return 3 elif stage in ('pourri', 'aborted', 'dried'): return 4 elif label == 'ht': return 5 else: return -1
# print(('ERROR: ', cpx, nid.complex().Genotype, DEBUG = True
[docs]def module_tree(v, g): """Return the list of vid of module tree :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: List of module tree :rtype: list """ # _complete ='complete') # if not complete: # complete_module(g) # _complete ='complete') for cid in g.Sons(v, EdgeType='+'): cpx = g.complex(cid) visibles ='visible') if DEBUG: if cpx in visibles and (is_axis_root(g, cpx)): return [m for m in traversal.pre_order2(g, cpx) if m in visibles] else: bt = branching_type(cid,g) if bt == 6: return [m for m in traversal.pre_order2(g, cpx) if m in visibles]
[docs]def nb_total_module_tree(v, g): """Compute the number of total module tree :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: total number of module tree :rtype: int """ if not module_tree(v,g): return 0 else: return len(module_tree(v, g))
[docs]def nb_branching_tree(v, g): """Compute the number of branching tree :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: number of branching tree :rtype: int """ if not module_tree(v, g): return 0 else: return sum(1 for m in module_tree(v, g) if is_axis_root(g, m))
[docs]def nb_branching_tree_weight(v, g): """Compute the number of branching tree weight :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: number of branching tree weight :rtype: int """ if not module_tree(v, g): return 0 else: return sum(g.nb_components(m) for m in module_tree(v, g) if is_axis_root(g, m))
[docs]def nb_extension_tree(v, g): """Compute the number of extension tree :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: number of extension tree :rtype: int """ if not module_tree(v, g): return 0 else: return sum(1 for m in module_tree(v, g) if not is_axis_root(g, m))
[docs]def nb_visible_leaves_tree(v, g): """Compute the number of visible leaves tree :param v: selected vid :type v: int :param g: MTG :type g: MTG :return: number of visible leaves tree :rtype: int """ if not module_tree(v, g): return 0 else: return sum(nb_visible_leaves(m,g) for m in module_tree(v, g))
[docs]def stage_tree(vid, g): return list(stage(m,g) for m in module_tree(v, g))
[docs]def prob_axillary_production(g, order=None, vids=[],frequency=False): """Probability of axillary production as function of node rank :param g: mtg :type g: MTG :param order: order selected (order= None all module orders are selected), defaults to None :type order: str, optional :param vids: vid selected, defaults to [] :type vids: list, optional :param frequency: frequency selected, defaults to False :type frequency: bool, optional :return: A dataframe with the probability of axillary production for each node :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if not vids: vids = g.vertices(scale=1) df=extract_at_node_scale(g, vids=vids) if order is not None: df=df[df["order"]==order] # Value conversion df["branching_type"]= df["branching_type"].replace(["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"],["S","VB","IB","AB","FB","BC","Inflorescence"]) # pandas crosstab data if frequency==True: data= pd.crosstab(df["rank"],df["branching_type"]) else: data=pd.crosstab(df["rank"],df["branching_type"],normalize="index") return data
# Transformation of dataframe
[docs]def df2waffle(df, date, index, variable, order=None, aggfunc=None, crosstab=None, *args, **kwargs): """Transpose dataframe by variable with plant in columns and rank or order in index This function are available for extraction at node scale (index='rank') and extraction at module scale (index= 'order') :param df: dataframe from extract function at differente scale (modules and nodes scale) :type df: pd.DataFrame :param date: date which must be processed :type date: str :param index: scale of the representation (node > 'rank', module > 'order') :type index: str :param variable: variable which must be processed :type variable: str :param order: at module scale, give a specific module to be processed , defaults to None :type order: int, optional :param aggfunc: required if the data need to be grouped quantitative: "mean", "median" | qualitative: lambda x: ' '.join(x), defaults to None :type aggfunc: str, optional :param crosstab: make a crosstab selection of the input data, defaults to None :type crosstab: boolean, optional :return: a dataframe in "waffle" shape: index=date, & columns=variable :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if order: data=df[(df['date']==date) & (df['order']==order)] else: data=df[df['date']==date] if index=='rank': res = data.pivot(index='rank',columns='plant',values=variable) elif index=='order': if crosstab: res = pd.crosstab(index=data['order'], columns=data[variable], normalize='index') res=res*100 res = res.round(2) else: # Catch data error: when values are string and aggfunc compute numbers try: res= data.pivot_table(index='order',columns='plant',values=variable, aggfunc=aggfunc) except DataError: print("ERROR, the aggregate function does not handle the data type (float func on str?)") return pd.DataFrame() else: res = data.pivot(index=index,columns='plant',values=variable) # If use plotly heatmap -> comment "res = res.fillna('')" if res.isnull().values.any(): res = res.fillna('') res = res.sort_index(ascending=False) return res
[docs]def plot_waffle_plotly_heatmap(df, layout={}, legend_name={}): def df_to_plotly(df): return {'z': df.values.tolist(), 'x': df.columns.tolist(), 'y': df.index.tolist()} height = layout.get('height', 500) width = layout.get('width', 500) xlabel = layout.get('xlabel', 'Plant') xticks = layout.get('xticks', range(0,len(df.columns))) xticks_label = layout.get('xticks_label', list(df.columns)) ylabel = layout.get('ylabel', '') yticks = layout.get('yticks', [l-1 for l in list(df.index)]) yticks_label = layout.get('yticks_label', list(range(0,len(df.index)))) title = layout.get('title', '') hm_layout = go.Layout(plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', # xaxis=dict(zeroline=False), # yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, ), autosize=False, width=width, height=height ) data = go.Heatmap(df_to_plotly(df), xgap=1, ygap=1, colorscale="aggrnyl" ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=hm_layout) return fig
[docs]def plot_waffle_plotly_imshow(df, layout={}, legend_name={}): colormap_used = values = list(set(df.values.flatten())) if '' in values: values.remove('') try: values.sort() except TypeError: values = [str(i) for i in values] values.sort() values.insert(0,'') color_map = {val: colormap_used(i/len(values)) for i, val in enumerate(values)} # Add the "empty" variable - and set its color as white color_map[''] = (1., 1., 1., 1.) data = np.array(df) # Create an array where each cell is a colormap value RGBA data_3d = np.ndarray(shape=(data.shape[0], data.shape[1], 4), dtype=float) for i in range(0, data.shape[0]): for j in range(0, data.shape[1]): data_3d[i][j] = color_map[data[i][j]] # drop the A data_3d_rgb = np.array([[to_rgb([v for v in row]) for row in col] for col in data_3d], dtype=np.float64) yticks = list(range(0,data.shape[0])) yticks.reverse() fig = px.imshow(data, labels={'x':'Plant', 'y':'Node'}, x=list(range(1,data.shape[1]+1)), y=yticks, origin='lower', color_continuous_scale='aggrnyl', # colorbar={} ) fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', ) return fig
[docs]def plot_waffle_matplotlib(df, layout={}, legend_name={}): height = layout.get('height', 18.5) width = layout.get('width', 10.5) xlabel = layout.get('xlabel', 'Plant') xticks = layout.get('xticks', range(0,len(df.columns))) xticks_label = layout.get('xticks_label', list(df.columns)) ylabel = layout.get('ylabel', '') yticks = layout.get('yticks', [l-1 for l in list(df.index)]) yticks_label = layout.get('yticks_label', list(range(0,len(df.index)))) title = layout.get('title', '') colormap_used = # Sort the variables. When variables are int or float, remove the str('') (that replaced the NaN) before sorting values = list(set(df.values.flatten())) if '' in values: values.remove('') try: values.sort() except TypeError: values = [str(i) for i in values] values.sort() values.insert(0,'') w_height = len(df.index) w_width = len(df.columns) color_map = {val: colormap_used(i/len(values)) for i, val in enumerate(values)} # Add the "empty" variable - and set its color as white color_map[''] = (1., 1., 1., 1.) data = np.array(df) # Create an array where each cell is a colormap value RGBA data_3d = np.ndarray(shape=(data.shape[0], data.shape[1], 4), dtype=float) for i in range(0, data.shape[0]): for j in range(0, data.shape[1]): data_3d[i][j] = color_map[data[i][j]] # display the plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) fig.set_size_inches(height, width) fig = ax.imshow(data_3d) # Get the axis. ax = plt.gca() # Minor ticks ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, (w_width), 1), minor=True); ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, (w_height), 1), minor=True); # Gridlines based on minor ticks ax.grid(which='minor', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) # Manually constructing a legend solves your "catagorical" problem. legend_handles = [] for i, val in enumerate(values): if val!= "": color_val = color_map[val] legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=color_val, label=legend_name.get(val, val))) # Add the legend. plt.legend(handles=legend_handles, loc=(1,0)) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xticks(ticks=xticks, labels=xticks_label) plt.yticks(ticks=yticks, labels=yticks_label) plt.title(title) return fig
[docs]def plot_waffle(df, layout={}, legend_name={}, savepath=None, plot_func='matplotlib'): """ Plot a dataframe in "waffle" shape layout: dict of layout parameters: height/width: size of the picture in inch x/ylabel: label of the x/y axis x/yticks: ticks of the x/y axis x/yticks_labels: labels of the ticks on the x/y axis title: title plot_func: library used for the ploting: matplotlib: matplotlib.pyplot.subplot.imshow plotly.imshow: plotly.heatmap: plotly.graph_objs.heatmap """ ## Axes not working - Plotly heatmap if plot_func=='plotly.heatmap': fig= plot_waffle_plotly_heatmap(df=df, layout=layout, legend_name=legend_name) # Plotly imshow elif plot_func=='plotly.imshow': fig= plot_waffle_plotly_imshow(df=df, layout=layout, legend_name=legend_name) # With matplotlib elif plot_func=='matplotlib': try: fig= plot_waffle_matplotlib(df=df, layout=layout, legend_name=legend_name) except ValueError: fig={} if savepath: plt.savefig(savepath) return fig
[docs]def plot_pie(df): return px.pie(df, values=df.mean(axis=0), names=df.columns)