Source code for openalea.strawberry.import_mtgfile

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openalea.plantgl.all import*
from openalea.mtg import io
from openalea.mtg import algo
from openalea.lpy import *

import openalea.strawberry
from openalea.mtg import MTG, algo
from openalea.deploy.shared_data import shared_data

[docs]def name(f): """return base name without extension :param f: the file path :type f: string :return: basename :rtype: string """ return f.basename().splitext()[0]
[docs]def import_mtgfile(filename): """Import a MTG file from genotype name, in sharedata repo :param filename: genotype = name of the file :type filename: string :return: a MTG loaded from the file :rtype: MTG """ filenames = filename files = shared_data(openalea.strawberry).glob('*.mtg') mtg_path = dict((name(f), f) for f in files) mtgfile = dict((k,f) for k,f in mtg_path.items() if k in filenames) if len(filenames) == 1: g = MTG(mtgfile[filenames[0]]) return g else: metaMTG= MTG() for i in mtgfile: metaMTG = algo.union(metaMTG, MTG(mtgfile[i])) return metaMTG
[docs]def read_file(file,sheet_name,convert=None): """read csv file in share data repo :param file: filename of the csv :type file: string :param sheet_name name of sheet csv file :type sheet_name: string :param convert (optional): colname conversion if need to change colname :type convert: dict :return: a panda dataframe load from file :rtype: panda.DataFram """ xls= pd.ExcelFile(file) df=pd.read_excel(xls,sheet_name=sheet_name) return df
[docs]def filter_none(d): """ filter fonction for nan value :param d: dict of dict of mtg properties :type d: dict of dict contains for a dict of MTG properties name as key and for each key a dict with vids in key and property values :return: a dict of dict of MTG properties without None values :rtype: dict of dict containing MTG properties """ if isinstance(d, dict): return {k: filter_none(v) for k, v in d.items() if v!='None'} else: return d
[docs]def topology(df, first_property): """ Extract topology from csv file and transform it in string. This function contain a string_conversion test to check if have not error in the conversion to string :param df: data containing topological information :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param first_property: colname of the first properties associate to topology information :type first_property: string :return: string contain topological information :rtype: string """ # select topological part of file start_prop=df.columns.get_loc(first_property) df = df.loc[:,list(df.columns[:start_prop])] # convert in string array = df.fillna(-1).to_numpy() #replace na value by -1 and convert to numpy array # convert array to string row_index = list(range(0,array.shape[0])) column_index = list(range(0,array.shape[1])) column_start = 0 string=[] for row in row_index: for column in column_index: if array[row,column]!=-1: break if column == column_start: string.append(array[row,column]) elif column < column_start: string.extend([']',array[row,column]]) else: string.extend(['[',array[row,column]]) column_start = column string = "".join(map(str,string)) def test_string_convertion(string): """ test the converion into string counting the number of open and close brackets if the number of bracket == 0 conversion is ok elif the number of bracket is >0 means that we have more of open bracket than closed bracket and vice versa and print error of conversion :param string: string containing the transformation of csv into string :type string: string :return: nothing if ok or Error of conversion if error :rtype: nothing or error message """ count=0 for x in string: # print(x) if x == "[": count+=1 elif x == "]": count-=1 return count if test_string_convertion(string)==0: return string else: print("Error in convertion dataframe to string")
[docs]def add_properties(g, df, first_property): """add properties to MTG from csv :param g: MTG :type g: MTG object :param df: data frame containing properties :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param first_property: colname of the first property :type first_property: string :return: an MTG with his properties :rtype: MTG object """ start_prop=df.columns.get_loc(first_property) df = df.loc[:,list(df.columns[start_prop:])] df=df.where(pd.notnull(df), None) df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1) df=df.fillna('None') property_dict=df.to_dict() property_dict=filter_none(property_dict) for key,value in property_dict.items():[key]=value return g
[docs]def add_axis_scale(g): """add axis scale in mtg from csv :param g: an MTG :type g: MTG object :return: an MTG with axis scale added :rtype: MTG object """ vids=g.vertices(scale=3) for vid in vids: pid = g.parent(vid) if g.edge_type(vid)=="+": cpx=g.add_child_and_complex(pid,vid)[-1] p_cpx = g.complex(pid) g.add_child(p_cpx, cpx, label="A", edge_type="+") g.reindex() return g
[docs]def strawberry_reader_csv(file, first_property='experimental_name',symbole_at_scale = dict(P=1,T=2, F=3, f=3, b=3, HT=3, bt=3, ht=3,s=3)): ''' Main function to import MTG from csv file :param file: filename of csv :type file: string :param first_property: colnames of the first property :type first_property: string :param symbole_at_scale: dict of label symbole and scale :type symbole_at_scale: dict :return: list of individuals mtg :rtype: a list of mtg by csv ''' workbook = load_workbook(file) sheets= workbook.sheetnames mtgs = list() for sheet in sheets: df = read_file(file=file, sheet_name=sheet) string= topology(df,first_property=first_property) scene = Scene() l = LsysContext() l.makeCurrent() for module in symbole_at_scale: l.declare(module) axialtree = AxialTree(string) g = io.axialtree2mtg(tree=axialtree, scale=symbole_at_scale, scene=scene) l.done() g= add_properties(g, df,first_property=first_property)"Stade") g= add_axis_scale(g)["order"] = algo.orders(g) mtgs.append(g) return mtgs
[docs]def import_mtg_from_csv(files,first_property,symbol_at_scale=dict(P=1,T=2, F=3, f=3, b=3, HT=3, bt=3, ht=3,s=3)): ''' import mtg from multiple csv file :param files: list of set of csv filenames :type files: list :param first_property: name of the first property :type: string :param symbole_at_scale: dict of label symbole and scale :type: dict :return: dict of list of mtg by file :rtype: dict ''' mtgs={} for file in files: name= str(file).split('\\')[-1].split(".")[0] print(name) mtg= strawberry_reader_csv(file) mtgs[name]=mtg return mtgs
[docs]def union(g): """ Union of all mtg in one :param g: MTGs :type g: list of dict of MTG :return: one MTG which are union of all mtg :rtype: MTG """ if type(g) is list: mtg_list= g elif type(g) is dict: mtg_list = [mtg for sub_mtg in g.values() for mtg in sub_mtg] lg= algo.union(mtg_list[0],mtg_list[1]) for mtg in mtg_list[2:]: lg = algo.union(lg,mtg) return lg
[docs]def plant_number_by_varieties(g): """Print plant number by varieties in a mtg :param g: MTG :type g: MTG """ genotype = set("Genotype").values()) for geno in genotype: no_plants= list("Genotype").values()).count(geno) print(geno, ":", no_plants, "plants")