Source code for openalea.strawberry.visu2d

''' 2D-Visualization function for strawberry on MTG'''

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from math import radians

from openalea.plantgl.all import *
from openalea.mtg import *
from openalea.mtg.turtle import *

from openalea.strawberry.visu3d import plant_positions
from openalea.strawberry import geometry

# from openalea.strawberry.geometry import leaflet, phytomer

# def colors():
#     """ Returns a set of predefined colors"""
#     shoot_color=Material("green",Color3(0,255,0))
#     vegbud_color=Material("green",Color3(0,40,0))
#     initbud_color = Material("orange",Color3(255,128,0))
#     floral_color= Material("red",Color3(255,0,0))

#     d=dict()
#     d['shoot'] = shoot_color
#     d['vegbud'] = vegbud_color
#     d['initbud'] = initbud_color
#     d['floral'] = floral_color

#     return d

#                                                                             #
#                              MTG functions                                  #
#                                                                             #
[docs]def is_visible(g, v): """ Returns bolean value if module are visible or not Module are considered as visible when axis contains at least one F """ if g.edge_type(v) == '+' and g.label(v) == 'F': return True else: return False
[docs]def type_of_crown(vid, g): """ Returns the type of crown. Definition of type of crown (1, 2, 3): - principal crown (1): label == T - branch_crown (2) parent(component_roots()[0]) : if successor() == F - extension_crown (3): contains(HT, ht, bt) - error (4) """ if g.scale(vid) == 3: vid = g.complex(vid) if g.label(vid) == 'T': return 1 else: cid = next(g.component_roots_iter(vid)) pid = g.parent(cid) sid = g.Successor(pid) #print(sid) if g.label(sid) in ('F','f'): return 2 elif g.label(sid) in ('bt', 'ht', 'HT'): return 3 else: # ERROR !!! # print(g[cid], g[g.complex_at_scale(cid, scale=1)]) return 4
[docs]def drawable(g): drawables = {} max_scale = g.max_scale() vids = g.component_roots_at_scale_iter(g.root, scale=max_scale) for root in vids: for v in traversal.pre_order2(g,root): pid = g.parent(v) if pid is not None and drawables[pid] is False: drawables[v] = False else: if g.edge_type(v) == '+' and g.label(pid) =='f': drawables[v] = False else: drawables[v] = True['drawable'] = drawables
[docs]def visible_modules(g): modules = [v for v in g.vertices_iter(scale=2) if g.label(next(g.component_roots_iter(v))) == 'F'] _visible = {} for m in modules: _visible[m] = True['visible'] = _visible
[docs]def complete_module (g): """Return properties incomplete or complete module Algorithm: module are complete: if module are visible and terminated by an Inflorescence (HT) (propertie=True) else module are incomplete (all module terminated by ht or bt) (property=False) """ complete = {} visible ='visible') for vid in visible: comp = g.components(vid) c = comp[0] axis = [v for v in g.Axis(c) if v in comp] last = axis[-1] if g.label(last) == 'HT': complete[vid] = True else: complete[vid] = False['complete'] = complete
# Compute the number of branch crown that are content in the upper tree
[docs]def graph_layout(g): """ Compute the distance between branch to minimize the overlaping between crowns. """ branch_ratio = {} max_scale = g.max_scale() roots = [v for v in g.component_roots_at_scale(0,scale=max_scale)] for root in roots: for v in traversal.post_order2(g, root, complex=None): branch_ratio[v] = sum(branch_ratio[cid] for cid in g.children(v) if g.node(cid).ramif) if g.label(v) =='F' and is_visible(g,v) and type_of_crown(v, g=g)!=3: branch_ratio[v] = 2*branch_ratio[v]+1 g.node(v).ramif = 1 else: g.node(v).ramif = max([g.node(cid).ramif for cid in g.children(v)]+[0])['branch_ratio'] = branch_ratio
[docs]def my_visitor(g, v, turtle, time=0): geoms = geometry.get_symbols2d() turtle.setWidth(0.01) nid = g.node(v) label = g.label(v) draw_it = nid.drawable branch_ratio = nid.branch_ratio if label in ('F','f'): turtle.rollL(180) turtle.setId(v) advance = 0.5 if not draw_it: pass elif (label == 'F'): if is_visible(g, v): if type_of_crown(v, g) == 3: angle = 30. length = 0.5 else: angle = 90. length = 1.5 * branch_ratio turtle.down(angle) turtle.F(length) turtle.down(-angle) # elif label == 'bt': # # turtle.down(30.) # turtle.f(0.1) elif label == 'HT': turtle.F(0.1) elif label == 's': turtle.rollL(180) turtle.f(0.05) geoms.get(label)(g, v, turtle)
############################################################################### # Visualisation # ############################################################################### #TODO: add argument to choose complete/incomplet color for module
[docs]def plot2d(g, vids=[], dist=[5, 5, 6, 8, 8, 100], by=[], display=True, complete=False): if not vids: vids = g.vertices(scale=1) positions = [] if by: _, positions = plant_positions(g, by=by, vids=vids) scene = Scene() position = Vector3() max_scale = g.max_scale() visible_modules(g) complete_module(g) color_code(g,complete=complete) drawable(g) graph_layout(g) # print(vids) for i, rid in enumerate(vids): t = PglTurtle() vid = next(g.component_roots_at_scale_iter(rid, scale=max_scale)) _scene = turtle.traverse_with_turtle(g, vid, visitor=my_visitor, turtle=t, gc=False) ds = _scene.todict() if positions: position = positions[i] else: position.x += dist[i] for shid in ds: for sh in ds[shid]: sh.geometry = Translated(position, sh.geometry) scene.add(sh) if display: Viewer.display(scene) else: return scene
[docs]def color_code(g,complete, plantule=False): PLANTULE = plantule _complete = complete shoot_green = (0,255,0) vegetative = (0,128,0) initiated= (125,125,0) floral= (255,0,0) stolon= (0,0,0) labels ='label') # TODO: If module are incomplet module color (red) else (blue) # - complet module is a module finished by an inflorescence (HT) # - incomplet module is a module finished by terminal bud (bt) or floral bud (ht) # Warning: only drawing module must be take into account for v in g.vertices(scale=g.max_scale()): nid = g.node(v) if nid.label == 'F': if _complete: if nid.complex().complete: nid.color= (0,0,255) else: nid.color = (255,0,0) else: nid.color = shoot_green elif nid.label == 's': nid.color = stolon elif nid.label == 'bt': stade = nid.Stade if stade is None: nid.color = vegetative elif stade in ('17', '18', '19'): nid.color=vegetative elif stade == 'A': nid.color = initiated elif stade in ['B','C','D','E','F','G','H']: nid.color = floral else: nid.color = (90,45,0) elif nid.label == 'ht': stade = nid.Stade if stade is None: nid.color = vegetative elif stade in ('17', '18', '19'): nid.color= vegetative elif stade == 'A': nid.color = initiated elif stade in ['B','C','D','E','F','G','H']: nid.color = floral else: nid.color = (90,45,0) elif nid.label == 'HT': stade = nid.Stade if stade is None: nid.color = vegetative elif stade in ('17', '18', '19'): nid.color= vegetative else: nid.color = floral